Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Things I'm Learning

I've decided, more for my own benefit than yours, to list a few things that I'm learning, as of recent. These are things I have by no means perfected, as I struggle with them all each and everyday. However, they are things I know to be true, so I wanted to share with you all. In Love, Mel.
Do Not Worry
There is a difference between worry and concern, that difference being the outcome. Worry is useless, while concern motivates action. If I spend my days worrying about the economy, the morality of America and that influence on my children, the decisions of Washington, etc., I would be miserable, and add not a second more to my life ( I would probably be taking years off of my life). I am learning to be prayerful when I'm concerned. I'm learning to save more and spend differently. I believe in our nation and I know God has his hands all over it. We are told to respect those in positions of power, and cast our cares on the Lord. "Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men" 1 Peter 2:13. This scripture was written to a people being oppressed by Caesar, an atheistic King. Therefore, whether or not I agree with those in powerful positions, I will not worry, I will cast my cares on Him, and I will respect. In all things, even the seemingly bad ones, God works for the good of those who love him.
Who is my neighbor?
I know we've all heard the Golden Rule, and the parable of the Good Samaritan, but I'm just now learning to love my neighbor as myself by figuring out who my neighbor is. The answer I have found is ANYONE with a need. The Samaritan did not help the man on the road because they shared the same country, creed, or socioeconomic background; actually they had none of those things in common. He helped because the man was in need. For me, that means I should be loving you and helping you in any way I can, whether you look like me, are a US citizen, have committed a crime, are a Christian, are an atheist, have a drug addiction, etc. You are to be Loved because you are my neighbor. I'm learning to let go of judgment and shed self righteousness, because I will never be able to change my life nor anyone else's for the better through anger and protest, but only through LOVE.
Love is Patient; Love Protects
I've also learned that love is patient. For me, that means slow to anger and quick to listen. I need to be willing to yield to others, not constantly focused on my needs, my opinions, and my life. Love also protects. It doesn't try to bring others down, expose flaws, or pass judgment. For me, this means love does not gossip. Please keep in mind; this is a list of things I'm learning, not things I've learned, because you all know this is a girl who loves gab! But I am trying, so if you want to hold me accountable the next time I'm in a tizzy over what someone was wearing or what's going on with the Gosselins, please do so!
The Importance of Parents
I never realized the most profound and influential people on this earth are not celebrities, those who rule nations, or the coolest girl in school. They are your parents, be them phenomenal at their job or less than. No one on this planet can elate you or defeat you, like your mama! I really lucked out in that department, so it's now that I am a mama that I'm feeling the brevity and responsibility of parenthood. Whether we like it or not, we learn by the actions of our parents. We may decide to imitate them, or decide to do everything in the opposite way. Whichever the case, the actions of parents are the biggest influence on the person that child becomes. I have been blessed with this responsibility, and I hope that Justin and I can give the best of ourselves to our beautiful children, and teach them in the way they should go.
These are just a few of the lessons I'm grappling, and I hope that in time, I'll do better with them. However, just writing has been freeing, and I hope some of the lessons I am learning will help you in some way. If not, I hope you enjoyed reading it, or at the very least, caught up on what's going on with me :-). Thank you all!

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