Monday, August 24, 2009

1st Annual Griggs Family Beach Trip

Well we finally made it to the beach as a family of 4, and we cannot wait to go back! Our kids are definitely water babies, and thankfully we had Wes and Lily's PaPa and Nana Griggs, and Uncle Ross and Aunt Lindsey to help as well, because it was all hands on deck to keep up with these two! Here are a few pictures from the highlight reel, enjoy!

Lily loves long walks on the beach and diving head first into any body of water!

I had to capture this rare occasion of Lily sitting in a highchair. Truth be known it lasted about 5 minutes, but doesn't she look so precious!

Wes and Daddy hitting the waves. His favorite part was when Justin would carry him out far enough that the waves would just lift them up before they crashed. He would cry when they came back in.

She's a mess, but I think I'll keep her!

Another favorite activity was collecting seashells with Nana to put in his fort. He even spent an entire morning collecting seashells just for Granna.

One of Lily's favorite beach activities was covering herself and Mommy in sand! I mean covering, head to toe!

She also loved laying out, as all girls do :-)

We also got to play at the Kingston Plaintation water park, which was a big hit with everyone!

Lily also learned to say "Cheese" at the beach, which was one of my favorite memories! Like I said, we had a great time....can't wait for next year!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Introductions Please

Recently, I was told by a good friend "You should start a blog." Thinking I had not much to offer the world of cyberspace, I politely nodded and returned to my glass of wine. However, since those words were spoken, every somewhat profound thought, idea, funny movie quote, and cute interaction between my children, has brought me back to those words, "you should start a blog," as a way that I could share these moments with those I love, and also chronicle the happenings of the days that are turning to weeks, months, and years in a blur. With that, the Mel's Moments blog is born. I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoy writing it. Love to you all, Mel.